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Open-Source vs. Proprietary Contract Management Software: Choosing the Right Solution for Your Business
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Open-Source vs. Proprietary Contract Management Software: Choosing the Right Solution for Your Business

Businesses must keep up with the demands of the modern world. Contracting has evolved rapidly from pen and paper to e-signatures, to now fully automating the entire contract lifecycle on the cloud. One of the many decisions they must make is to choose between open-source or proprietary software solutions. Both options offer distinct advantages and disadvantages, making the choice dependent on various factors such as budget, customisation needs, and security requirements. In this article, we'll explore the key differences between open-source and proprietary contract management software to help you make an informed decision for your organisation.

Open-Source vs. Proprietary Contract Management Software: Choosing the Right Solution for Your Business

Written By
Joy Cunanan
Updated on
July 12, 2024
Reading time:

Businesses must keep up with the demands of the modern world. Contracting has evolved rapidly from pen and paper to e-signatures, to now fully automating the entire contract lifecycle on the cloud. One of the many decisions they must make is to choose between open-source or proprietary software solutions. Both options offer distinct advantages and disadvantages, making the choice dependent on various factors such as budget, customisation needs, and security requirements. In this article, we'll explore the key differences between open-source and proprietary contract management software to help you make an informed decision for your organisation.

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What is Open Source Contract Management Software?

Open-source contract management software refers to software applications designed to help businesses manage their contracts, agreements, and legal documents designed for free public use. Unlike proprietary software, which is developed and distributed by a single company, open-source software is developed collaboratively by a community of developers and made available for anyone to use, modify, and distribute at no cost. 

Open-source contract management software typically includes features such as contract creation, storage, tracking, and reporting. To streamline contract management processes, it may also offer integration with other systems, such as customer relationship management (CRM) or enterprise resource planning (ERP) software.

Some popular open-source contract management software options include OpenKM, LogicalDOC, and Open Source Contracting System (OSCON). These software solutions provide organisations with a cost-effective and customisable alternative to proprietary contract management software, allowing them to tailor the software to their specific needs and requirements.

Advantages of Open-Source Contract Management Software


One of the most significant advantages of open-source software is its cost-effectiveness. Since open-source software is typically free to use, it can significantly reduce the overall cost of implementing a contract management system, especially for small and medium-sized businesses with limited budgets. This cost-saving aspect extends beyond the initial acquisition cost, as there are no ongoing licensing fees or subscriptions.


Open-source contract management software offers a high level of customisability, allowing users to modify the software's source code to meet their specific needs. This flexibility enables organisations to tailor the software to their unique workflows, business processes, and industry requirements. Users can add new features, integrate with other systems, or modify existing functionality to create a customised solution that fits their exact needs.

Community Support

Open-source software benefits from a large and active community of developers, users, and contributors who collaborate to improve the software. This community support ensures that the software is regularly updated with new features, enhancements, and security patches. Users can also seek help, share knowledge, and collaborate with other community members, providing a valuable resource for troubleshooting and learning.


Open-source software is built on the principle of transparency, meaning that the source code is freely available for anyone to inspect, review, and modify. This transparency ensures that there are no hidden vulnerabilities, backdoors, or malicious code within the software. Organisations can audit the source code themselves or rely on third-party audits to ensure the software's integrity and security.

Vendor Independence

Using open-source contract management software provides organisations with vendor independence, as they are not tied to a specific vendor or provider. This independence gives organisations more control over their software deployment, updates, and maintenance, reducing the risk of vendor lock-in and ensuring that they can switch providers if needed.

Long-Term Viability

Open-source software is often seen as more sustainable and long-lasting compared to proprietary software, as it is not dependent on a single vendor or company. Even if the original developers discontinue the software, the open-source community can continue to maintain and improve it, ensuring its long-term viability and availability.

Disadvantages of Open-Source Contract Management Software

Complexity and Technical Expertise

Implementing and maintaining open-source software can be more complex compared to using proprietary solutions. Organisations may require technical expertise to customise the software, integrate it with existing systems, and ensure proper deployment and configuration. This can increase the overall cost and resource requirements for managing the software.

Limited Support

While open-source software benefits from a community of developers and users who contribute to its development, the level of support may vary. Organisations may not have access to dedicated customer support or service level agreements (SLAs) typically offered by proprietary software vendors. This can lead to longer response times for issue resolution and may require organisations to rely on community forums or third-party support services.

Lack of Advanced Features

Some open-source contract management software may lack advanced features and functionalities compared to proprietary solutions. This can be a limitation for organisations that require specific features or industry-specific functionalities that are not available in open-source software.

Security Concerns

While open-source software is often praised for its transparency and community-driven security audits, there can still be security concerns. Since the source code is openly available, malicious actors could potentially identify and exploit vulnerabilities in the software. It is essential for organisations to regularly update and patch their open-source software to mitigate security risks.

Integration Challenges

Integrating open-source contract management software with existing systems and workflows can be challenging. Compatibility issues may arise, requiring additional development effort to ensure seamless integration. Organisations may also face challenges in maintaining compatibility with future software updates and versions.

Long-Term Sustainability

The long-term sustainability of open-source software can be a concern. If the community of developers supporting the software diminishes or the project is abandoned, organisations may face challenges in maintaining and updating the software. This can lead to increased risk and uncertainty regarding the future viability of the software solution.

What is Proprietary Contract Management Software?

Proprietary contract management software refers to software applications developed and distributed by a single company or vendor. These software solutions are not open-source, meaning that the source code is not freely available for users to view, modify, or distribute. Instead, proprietary software is typically licensed to users under specific terms and conditions, which may include restrictions on use, distribution, and modification.

Proprietary contract management software often comes with a range of features and functionalities designed to help businesses manage their contracts, agreements, and legal documents more effectively. These features may include contract creation and templates, automated workflows, document storage and management, compliance tracking, and reporting capabilities.

One of the key characteristics of proprietary contract management software is that it is supported by the vendor, who provides customer support, maintenance, and updates. This can be beneficial for organisations that require dedicated support and a guaranteed level of service.

Some popular proprietary contract management software solutions include ContractWorks, Conga Contracts, Icertis and Lexagle These solutions are typically used by businesses of all sizes to streamline their contract management processes, improve compliance, and reduce risks associated with contract management.

Advantages of Proprietary Contract Management Software

Ease of Use

Proprietary contract management software is often designed with user-friendliness in mind. User interfaces are typically intuitive and easy to navigate, making it easier for non-technical users to operate the software without extensive training or technical expertise. This ease of use can contribute to higher user adoption rates and increased productivity within the organisation.

Advanced Features and Functionalities

Proprietary software solutions often offer a wide range of advanced features and functionalities tailored specifically for contract management. These features may include contract templates, automated approval workflows, electronic signatures, version control, compliance tracking, and reporting capabilities. By leveraging these advanced features, organisations can streamline their contract management processes, improve efficiency, and reduce manual errors.

Dedicated Support

Vendors of proprietary contract management software typically provide dedicated customer support to assist users with implementation, training, troubleshooting, and ongoing maintenance. This dedicated support ensures that users have access to assistance when needed, minimising downtime and ensuring smooth operation of the software. Some vendors may also offer service level agreements (SLAs) guaranteeing a certain level of support and response time.


Proprietary contract management software vendors often invest in robust security measures to protect their software and users' data. This may include encryption, access controls, authentication mechanisms, and regular security updates to patch vulnerabilities. By choosing a reputable vendor with a strong focus on security, organisations can mitigate the risk of data breaches, unauthorised access, and other security threats.


Proprietary contract management software is often designed to scale with the growing needs of the organisation. Whether an organisation is small, medium, or large, proprietary solutions can typically accommodate increasing volumes of contracts, users, and transactions. Vendors may offer flexible pricing plans or licensing options to accommodate different usage levels and business requirements, allowing organisations to scale their usage of the software as needed.

Integration Capabilities

Many proprietary contract management software solutions offer integration capabilities with other business systems and applications, such as customer relationship management (CRM), enterprise resource planning (ERP), or document management systems. This seamless integration enables organisations to leverage existing data and workflows, eliminate duplicate data entry, and improve collaboration across departments. It also facilitates reporting and analytics by providing a consolidated view of contract-related data alongside other business metrics.

Disadvantages of Proprietary Contract Management Software


One of the primary disadvantages of proprietary contract management software is the cost associated with licensing and usage. Proprietary software often requires an upfront investment in licenses, and additional costs may be incurred for maintenance, updates, and support. These costs can be significant, particularly for small and medium-sized businesses with limited budgets.

Vendor Lock-In

Proprietary software can lead to vendor lock-in, where organisations become dependent on a single vendor for software updates, support, and maintenance. Switching to a different software vendor or platform can be challenging and costly, as it may require migrating data, retraining users, and adapting to a new system.

Limited Customisation

While proprietary software may offer a range of features and functionalities, customisation options are often limited. Organisations may find it challenging to tailor the software to their specific needs or integrate it with existing systems and workflows. This lack of customisation can hinder productivity and efficiency, as users may be forced to adapt to the software's limitations.

Dependency on Vendor Support

Organisations that rely on proprietary software are dependent on the vendor for ongoing support, updates, and maintenance. If the vendor discontinues support for the software or goes out of business, organisations may be left with unsupported software that becomes vulnerable to security threats and compatibility issues.

Limited Compatibility

Proprietary software may be designed to work only with specific operating systems, hardware, or other software applications. This limited compatibility can restrict organisations' ability to integrate the software with other systems or use it across different platforms, leading to inefficiencies and data silos.

Lack of Transparency

Proprietary software is developed and maintained by a single company, and the source code is not publicly available. This lack of transparency can raise concerns about the software's integrity, as users cannot verify the code or assess its security independently.

How Do You Choose the Right Contract Management Solution for Your Business?

Choosing the right contract management solution is a critical decision for any organisation, as it can impact efficiency, compliance, and overall business performance. Here are some key factors to consider when selecting between open-source and proprietary contract management software:


Consider your budget constraints and the total cost of ownership for each software option. While open-source software may offer cost savings in terms of licensing fees, proprietary software may provide a more predictable cost structure with additional features and support.

Customisation Needs

Evaluate your organisation's need for customisation and flexibility. Open-source software allows for greater customisation, making it ideal for organisations with specific or complex requirements. Proprietary software, on the other hand, may offer a more out-of-the-box solution with limited customisation options.

Security Requirements

Assess your organisation's security needs and the level of security offered by each software option. Proprietary software vendors often invest in robust security measures, while open-source software relies on community-driven security audits and updates. Consider the sensitivity of your contract data and the security features offered by each solution.

Ease of Use

Consider the technical expertise of your team and the ease of use of each software option. Proprietary software is often designed with user-friendliness in mind, making it easier for non-technical users to operate. Open-source software may require more technical expertise for customisation and maintenance.

Support and Maintenance

Evaluate the level of support and maintenance offered by each software vendor. Proprietary software vendors typically provide dedicated customer support, while open-source software relies on community support. Consider your organisation's ability to access timely support and updates.


Consider your organisation's growth plans and the scalability of each software option. Proprietary software vendors often offer scalable solutions that can grow with your business, while open-source software may require more effort to scale and integrate with other systems.

Vendor Reputation

Research the reputation and track record of each software vendor. Consider factors such as the vendor's financial stability, customer reviews, and history of delivering quality products and services.

Long-Term Strategy

Align your choice of contract management software with your organisation's long-term business goals and strategy. Consider how each software option will support your future needs and scalability requirements.

Prime Your Business for Growth with Lexagle.

The choice between open-source and proprietary contract management software depends on various factors, including budget, customisation needs, security requirements, and scalability. Open-source software offers cost-effectiveness and customisability but may require more technical expertise and limited support. On the other hand, proprietary software provides ease of use, advanced features, dedicated support, and security but may come with higher costs and vendor lock-in.

When choosing the right solution for your organisation, carefully evaluate these factors and consider your long-term business goals. If you're looking for a comprehensive contract management software with advanced features, a user-friendly interface, and dedicated support, Lexagle might just be the proprietary platform you are looking for. With Lexagle, you can streamline your contract management processes, improve compliance, and reduce risks associated with contracting. Schedule a demo today to see how Lexagle can help transform your operations. 

Open-Source vs. Proprietary Contract Management Software: Choosing the Right Solution for Your Business
Joy Cunanan
Joy is the Digital Transformation Manager at Lexagle. As a marketing professional in the Tech and B2B industry for over seven years, she is always on the lookout for the next best solution in the ever-changing online world. With a passion for helping businesses thrive and optimize operations, she shares her expertise in the power of contract lifecycle management and its capacity of easing the contracting process for busy organizations worldwide.
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